Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Weight Loss Wednesdays

Ok blog friends. I'm going to come right out and say it.

I need to lose weight.

There. I did it. That wasn't that bad, actually.

I've decided that I'm going to post my progress on here. The last time I was really successful in a weight-loss effort was when we were having a biggest loser contest at school. It wasn't the competition that motivated me - it was the accountability, so I'm hoping that by posting my weigh in results here that it will provide that same accountability this time. (BTW, I totally won that contest. And then gained most of the weight back. Hence the need to lose now. I want to fit back into those new clothes I bought after the contest!)

I'm going to start with a mini goal. One month from today I am attending a friend's wedding, and I need to buy a new dress anyway. Why not make it one size smaller??? I would like to lose 8 pounds this month. That's 2 pounds a week. Totally safe and do-able.

I'm going to achieve this by counting my calories here and rejoining Jillian with a little bit of the Shred.

Wish me luck! Hopefully I'll have good news to report next week!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Sippin' and Strokin''s not what you think. :)

There's this place called Sips 'n' Strokes, and I am an addict.

It's basically an art class where they walk you step by step through a painting, all the while allowing you to embrace your creativity with a little liquid courage...

I went this week with my good friend Hilary and we painted the "Funky Tree". I decided to take some painting in progress photos. I'm not an artist, so don't laugh. It's about the process, right?

First the background.

Then the tree.

Next, the "balls". The instructor took great pleasure in talking about the balls. I think she may have been sipping a little bit, too... ;)

Aaannnddd we're done. Funky, yes? I'm not sure that this one is going to make it to the wall, but it was really fun to paint.

The thing about mixing sipping and stroking??? Ever had beer goggles? That guy from the bar was definitely not as hot in the morning or in the pictures as you remembered? Just replace the guy with a painting. I'm guessing most people aren't nearly as proud of their work when they look at it again the next day...

Do you have a place like this near you? What have you painted? I showed you mine - you show me yours!

Peace, Love and Art,


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Let Freedom Ring!

Happy 4th! I spent the day by the pool and then headed to a huge event for fun and fireworks later.

Oh, hey. Welcome to the south. This was one of maybe 30(?) food vendors at this event, and we partook in many of them. I secretly love this kind of food. Fried potatoes? Got it. Fried okra? Got it. Fried Oreos? GOT IT. Love. This.

While we were waiting for the sun to go down we played a lot of this

and I won every time. :)

Finally it was dark enough for the main event. I tried to take photos, but fireworks are elusive little things and didn't want to be captured on film. SO I decided to take a video, instead. If you missed the fireworks on Sunday night, I'll share a few seconds of mine.

Happy 4th, y'all!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Someone is pouting today...

because he had to go to the vet for his yearly shots. Sorry, Q, but I'll bet Old Yeller wishes his mom had taken him for his rabies vaccine...